National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.

  1. NOS are National because they can be used in every part of the UK where the functions are carried out.

  2. NOS are Occupational because they describe the performance required of an individual when carrying out functions in the workplace, i.e. in their occupation (as a plumber, police officer, production engineer etc).

  3. NOS are Standards because they are statements of effective performance which have been agreed by a representative sample of employers and other key stakeholders and approved by the UK NOS Panel.

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Список стандартов по уровням в версии от 2014 года:

Эти стандарты связаны с:

  • Data Design;

  • Systems Design;

  • Software Development.

Стандартизованные области деятельности по уровням:

Last updated